
Cranbourne Primary School

Where Learning and Friendships Grow



School Uniform

We believe that children should take pride in both themselves and their school. A smart school uniform gives children self-confidence, self-discipline and a sense of belonging to something special as well as helping to develop high standards in other aspects of school life. 


Please see below for our uniform list


Year Round Uniform:

Grey trousers

Grey knee length skirt or grey pinafore dress

White polo shirt – logoed or plain

Burgundy round neck logoed sweatshirt or cardigan

Grey socks or grey tights

Sensible plain black shoes (Velcro fastenings for Reception)

Cranbourne Primary School book bag (Reception only)


Optional Summer Term Uniform:

Grey school shorts

Gingham Summer dress in pink and white with white socks


PE Kit:

Plain or logoed white t-shirt

Black sport shorts

Plain white sports socks

Black plimsolls for indoor use - optional

Trainers for outdoor sports



Hair should be tied back if longer than shoulder length

Any hair accessories should be in school colours only

Please note that severe or fancy haircuts and styles are not appropriate



Only simple stud earrings and watches may be worn.

Strictly no ‘fitbits’ or smart watches

No make-up or nail polish to be worn


Logoed uniform can be purchased directly through Gooddies by ordering online -


Please contact them directly using the contact details on their website.




Name Labels:


We ask that you please label all uniform - without a name, lost property can not be reunited with its owner!


Stikins name labels offers the PTA 30% annual commission on any orders placed with them. We ask that you kindly consider them when ordering labels and enter school code 5213.


Name Labels
