
Cranbourne Primary School

Where Learning and Friendships Grow

Meet the Staff

We have a wonderful and talented team of teachers and support staff who help our children learn and develop to their full potential.

Staff Team


Mrs P Jenkins - Headteacher

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs L Prentice - Deputy Headteacher 

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead, Pupil Premium Lead


Mrs H Evans - SENDCo

Deputy Designated Lead


Mrs K Kilmartin & Mrs L Holland - Reception Teachers 

Mrs R Short & Mrs L Stephens - Year 1 Teachers 

Mrs E Winter & Mrs S Grant  - Year 2 Teachers 

Miss L Pottinger - Year 3 Teacher 

Miss E Cocking - Year 4 Teacher 

Mrs K Hardy - Year 5 Teacher

Miss L Rack - Year 6 Teacher


Our Teaching Assistants and Lunchtime Controllers:
Mrs R Pennycooke, Mrs C Sullivan, Miss N Patton, Mrs T Cooper, Mrs M Shields, Mrs M Hookings, Mrs J Abri-Hodder, Mrs P Topi, Mrs K Edwards, Mrs L Joyes, Mrs P Wallington, Mr J Gunn

Mrs R Pitt - School Business Manager


Mrs D Gunn & Mrs M Nyamatore - School Secretaries

Mr J Billingham - Site Controller

Mr N Payne - Chair of the Governing Body 


Mrs J Hargreaves - Clerk to Governors

The Department for Education requires every school to publish how many staff are paid more than £100,000 per annum. At Cranbourne Primary School no staff members earn more than £100,000 or increments of more than £10,000.
