Where Learning and Friendships Grow
Cranbourne provides a broad and balanced curriculum for all children. Some children may need additional or different help from that given to other children of the same age.
Children may have special educational needs either throughout or at any time during their school career. Cranbourne ensures that curriculum planning and assessment for children with special educational needs takes account of the type and extent of the difficulty experienced by the child.
At Cranbourne pupils and parents will be at the heart of decision making. We believe in working in partnership with parents.
If your child has a disability and you would like to know more about what we offer at Cranbourne please read the information in our SEND policy or contact us for further information.
Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator is: Mrs Holly Evans
Our Governor with responsibility for SEND is: Mr Nick Payne
Mrs Holly Evans can be contacted via the school office:
Telephone: 01344 882350
or via
Email: holly.evans@cranbourneprimary.com
For information on what is offered within Bracknell Forest for SEND please click on the link below:
Bracknell Forest SEND Local Offer
Please find listed below links to information and support you may find useful if you are a parent of a child with special needs:
Local information about SEN. https://bracknellforest.fsd.org.uk/kb5/bracknell/directory/home.page
Provides ADHD and ASD support for parents
An organisation to support parents with ASD. https://www.autismeducationtrust.org.uk/parents
Bracknell Forest information, advice and support service about SEND https://www.bracknellforestiass.co.uk/
A local group that support parents of children with additional needs. They offer telephone support, online workshops and Face-to-Face sessions. ttps://www.parentingspecialchildren.co.uk/support-we-offer/
Online Mental Health Service https://www.kooth.com/
Dyslexia advice and support for families. http://www.helenarkell.org.uk/
British Dyslexia Association advice and support. https://www.bdadyslexia.org.uk/
Children and Young People Integrated Therapies. https://cypf.berkshirehealthcare.nhs.uk/
Useful downloads and resources to support mental health. https://www.camhs-resources.co.uk/downloads
A magazine devoted to mental health.
The National Autistic Society.
ADHD Foundation https://www.adhdfoundation.org.uk/
Tourettes Action https://www.tourettes-action.org.uk/
Bracknell Forest EAL and Diversity. http://www.bfinclusion.org.uk/
A national charity supporting people with learning disabilities and their families.