
Cranbourne Primary School

Where Learning and Friendships Grow

How Can You Help?

With many new mums and dads joining the PTA last year, the organisaton of events was made easier and more fun.  With many of those being reception parents, it was a great way of getting to know each other and the school whilst benefiting our children. The more parents that get involved the more fundraising ideas there are and we can achieve activities with less individual effort.

Any amount of help is gratefully received and from any year group. The parents generally meet once a month for a quick meeting at the school followed by drinks down the pub.

If you are interested please come along to one of our sociable PTA meetings or please drop in your name and contact details to the office.

All help no matter how small is appreciated and helps to improve your child's school environment.



On another note, we are looking for someone to fill the role of treasurer when Juliet Lee resigns (after 5 years!) at the next AGM.


It is vital that this role is filled before the end of term for the PTA to continue.

If you would like to know more about what is involved and maybe volunteer to take on all or some of the role, then please let Juliet know - she can be contacted on
